Wednesday, November 06, 2002

:: Nothing new left to write about? ::

Some of my fellow proud Montrealers have been especially proud of their city-status lately, since the Mann Booker prize for 2002 went to a Montrealer, Yann Martel. Thus, I suppose it is possible that they are going to moan and then skewer me for writing this entry...

I can't help but wonder why a talented writer like Martel would want to "borrow" or "be inspired" by the main plot device of another writer, equally well-known in his own home country??

The New York Times published a piece today pulling apart the issue of Martel's recent Booker-award-winning novel "the Life of Pi" and its similarities and "inspirations" derived from Brazilian author Moacyr Scliar's novel, "Max and the Cats".

Martel openly admits to it in an author's note on the used bookseller, Powells.

Somehow, John Updike gets dragged into this all too. Curiouser and curiouser.

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