Saturday, November 09, 2002

:: It has begun ::

I started sending out my survey tonight to various bloggers, including all of the ones in my left-hand links.

The only criterion is that the blog has to be real and has to be managed by an individual or individuals -- no corporate blogs for this one.

Here are the questions I'm asking...feel free to cut and paste them and send them on to bloggers you know, with instructions to mail them back to me. I ask only that you CC me on anything you send out to anyone you know.


The survey
  • What was the inspiration behind your blog?

  • How many regular readers/members do you have? (just numbers only are needed, though you're welcome to provide more info if you choose)
  • Does your readership generate a lot of email for you? What are the main general topics of email you receive as a result of your blog?

  • How has the experience been so far in managing your blog? How much time does it take weekly/monthly?

  • What are the motives for maintaining blog? i.e. Profit/personal pleasure/idea of community?

    • If profit, what scale do you wish? Modest living? Multi-millionaire? Had success in this to date?

    • If pleasure, what meaning or pleasure do you derive from owning/managing this site?

    • If for community, how has your experience of community-building online been to date?

  • Are the technologies and tools currently available sufficient to your goals and desires for your blog?

  • If you could do the whole thing over again, what, if anything, would you change about the Internet or about your experiences within it, both as a blogger and as a "netizen"?

  • May I quote you publicly in my blog, "I-Space" and in the eventual project website,

    • Please note that your responses may be paraphrased or used verbatim in the accompany essay which will be handed into my professor.

Any assistance from fellow bloggers in helping me gather the info for this survey would be wonderful.

That's it. I'm off to New Jersey for a few days on a dual business/pleasure trip. I'll post again late Sunday night and check my email then as well.
Hopefully this can get this project steaming along.

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