School has started again and I'm beginning to think I'm a wee bit nuts. Five courses, of which 3 are senior/honours/uber-geek tough courses, replete with thick and chewy social theory and the requisite huge mind-pretzeling papers to write.
Ok so it's true that I'm not working full-time for a living anymore (note to self - must adjust my footer for this blog now that I'm "just" a student). But I am still working for cash. I've taken on the role of research coordinator/assistant for the
GameCODE project at
Enough about that...I have to post some real insight here or my friends won't stop sending me email asking me if this space is dead, and forcing me to respond that, no, it's not, it's only sleeping....
googling today, looking for information on
Goth youth subcultures for a sociology course project on youth music scenes, I stumbled across the concept of
micronations on Google. Given that my head is very much into the distinctions between macro and micro manifestations of social phenomena (don't ask), I clicked over to
Wikipedia to check it out and
it presents micronations as a neological term to describe state-like entities. digital communities?
Sort of, is the answer.
This article then peaked my interest, so I delved further and according to
this article on a seemingly academic site run by a Dutch PhD student, it is a valid social phenomena. Might have to look into this more, or at least keep a Google alert going on the term, in case it should go big (or is that macro?).
(and yes...neologism is the best new word I learn this week.....)