Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Time wasting for word nerds

I've been accused, yes, of being a word nerd. You know, one of those people who will spend ten minutes finding the perfect word to use to describe some seemingly-to-others esoteric difference of subtlety of meaning.

Plus, with the fact that I've worked in the Internet "industry" for so long and have been subjected to hundreds of acronyms, I've also been known to joke that "Internet = Acronym Hell"

So it shouldn't be surprising that the Acronym Finder has the potential to give me many fine hours of procrastination paradise, right around now when all the mid-terms and exams are starting to pile up alarmingly.
[ found via polyglot conspiracy ]

1 comment:

Kelly said...

ahhh nice
Another place to expand my mind and procrastinate =)