Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Decision time

Just returned from a 6 day trip to Toronto, visiting friends and also doing the rounds of various students and faculty in the Communications and Culture joint programme at York/Ryerson. Met some amazing people there, who all seem to share at least some of my interests in digital culture, social theory, postmodernism and popular/consumer culture.

While everyone was super helpful, it was the city itself that is pushing me to make the decision in favour of Toronto. As I drove around, up and down the DVP on sunny spring days, and roaming throughout East York, the Annex, Leaside and Bathurst/St-Clair, I felt that ole tug at the heartstrings and flipflopping of my stomach. Oh yes, the love affair with that city is alive and well. Despite the changes I see everywhere, the increasingly rampant Americanization, it is still Toronto and still feels fundementally and viscerally like home.

The only thing holding me back is that York's offer is the smallest financially-speaking. Given how expensive Toronto is vis-a-vis accomodations, that does give me pause and makes Calgary and suburban Vancouver seem more attractive.

Tough choice. But it's decision time now.

What to do? What to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

T, you *need* to address the funding discrepancy with York (Barbara Crow, is it?) -- pasrticularly since it seems SFU seems to have factored in cost of living into their package, reflected likely in their level of stipends/assistantships, etc. And, if SFU is offering some sort of compensation for relocation costs (e.g., I recall that UC Irvine was willing to pay for my flight down...and one month's accomodation in a hotel for me to find a place to live...), then *tell them* and they'll have to find extra cash for you (possibly matching funds from the Fac of Grad Studies). (Calgary is relatively inexpensive, so their incentive is likely in the form of generous stipend/ass't funding with the understanding that a thinking grrl like you needs her book tools....)

Good luck and keep me posted!
