Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Science without proof

Last year, John Brockman sent out a call to the global scientific and digerati community to answer the question "What ideas do you believe to be true, but cannot prove?"and 120 eminent thinkers answered. The result created a book, What we Believe but Cannot Prove.

This year, the big question being sent out is, "What is your most dangerous idea?". Now this is one that really interests me.

If I had to think of my own and narrow it down? None of them are new, though they aren't very popular. For me, it would be the disservice both science and religion have done to mankind. Probably also the idea that life isn't supposed to have innate meaning - humans aren't here to create, the world doesn't have to have a purpose. It just is.

Like I said, not new. But perhaps something from one of the more complicated and erudite minds out there may spur something for me. I'll look forward to the book.

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