Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Fragmentary Baudrillard

In honour of Baudrillard, who died earlier this month, and his series of books called Cool Memories and also his Fragments book, I'm going to start periodically posting small quote snippets from him.
"Our society was once solidified by a utopia of progress. It now exists because of a catastrophic imaginary".
[Baudrillard, J. 1997, Global Debt & Parallel Universe. In A & M Kroker (eds.), Digital Delirium, (pp. 38-40). New York: St. Martin's Press.]


Kelly said...

See, when I bought Fragments, I saw it as "Bathroom Baudrillard". For someone who usually needs to be read within context, I found the extracted bits of random thoughs similar to the inspirational snipits books.

Sashay said...

Funny you should say that.... I thought of Fragments as a bathroom book for theory geeks too. I even said as much to my pal Jaigris when we saw it in a used bookstore. But some of those fragments are pretty juicy and could inspire an entire paper of their own, which is why I liked it.