Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The empowered porn blog

What is beauty? What is pornography? What is empowerment? All key questions in the lives of the post-modern woman.

These are questions that the group blogcommunity SuicideGirls (warning! nudity!) takes head-on through their self-portrayals of actual digital-minded alterna-grrls in all their tattooed, pierced, goth, tech-loving glory, rendered in brutal honesty. It's a commmercial blog too - to browse it, at some point you've got to pay for it.

Found this via the Journal of Media and Culture, who said:
SuicideGirls.com is an adult community that offers a mix of eroticism, creativity, personality and intelligence. SuicideGirls is about so-called empowered eroticism; it provides a site where girls outside of mainstream culture can express their individual style through soft erotic images, and web logs

Truly a post-modern phenomenon - females using the Internet to willingly participate in former disempowering tactics (taking off their clothes for money) with the intention of showcasing a style of female beauty that has nothing to do with a $30 lipstick and $3000 set of silicones, all with the goal of self-empowerment outside the boundaries of the mainstream.

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