Wednesday, October 30, 2002

The Weblog Handbook
I am almost finished reading this book. It's wonderful! Well written, accessible, easy for anyone to understand, no matter what their background or level of experience with the Internet. Definitely an "everything you wanted to know but didn't know who to ask or trust" kind of book. I have a feeling I'll be quoting from it often.

In fact, I think I'll quote it now from something I read in it tonight. Consider this, then, this my first citation from the book...

"Weblogs are the mavericks of the online world. Two of their greatest strengths are their ability to filter and disseminate information to a widely dispersed audience, and their position outside the mainstream of mass media".

This is an idea that I will be investigating throughout this experimental project.

Get more information about her book through her blog, Rebecca's Pocket. If you decide to buy it (which I highly recommend doing), she's put up a handy direct link to

If you're Canadian, and would rather buy it on the maple leafed version of Amazon, here's a link.

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