Monday, May 23, 2005

Competition or cooperation?

While taking a break from studying Canadian constitutional politics and the 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms (POLI 204 exam tomorrow worth 30% eek!) I was meandering the net, looking up info on my latest board game obsession, Settlers of Catan.

Found this editorial on the Games Journal -- it's about raising children to be gamers and thought its take on whether or not kids should play competitive games interesting. I know some of my fellow GameCODE-ers are interested in just this issue when looking at digital games.


Kelly said...

interesting article actually. i agree that games should be a place to experience competition and other types of interaction - indeed, there are other ways to teach/experience cooperation with children. (imo)I think that competition is inherent in the concept of games - at least multi player goal oriented ones

Sashay said...

One thing I wondered about when reading this one, Kell, is whether or not so called anti-competition games are actually anti-competition. Isn't forced collaboration and cooperation competitive still just less overtly so?

Kelly said...

absolutely - and the author mentions this in the article, that the children still feel as though they've won when their harvest was done first, and the child with the last crop harvested still felt as though they've lost. Which brings me back to the idea that games are inherently cooperative even if the instructions state otherwise. =)